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Construction projects related to all aspects of the state and society, and only through the scientific advice, well-designed, excellent construction, to build a quality project, to achieve the expectations of investors.

(A) a long time, we generally ignore the preparatory work for the construction phase of the project quality management, and to focus on the construction phase. It is necessary, but we must also see that when the project to the construction phase, the building programs, technical programs and design drawings have been identified, if the design is not optimal, it is difficult to ensure the projects overall investment returns. Some owners of one-sided as to the feasibility study report can be approved to pay the consultation fee is far below the original provisions of the State Development Planning Commission criteria for the charges. Committed to the preparation of feasibility study report of the advisory unit, very few in-depth market research and technology programs, equipment selection, such as multi-program selection. At the design stage and because of some owners to pay one-sided design of low cost, the impact of the design staff in the enthusiasm of well-designed, this problem has seriously affected the quality of the construction project.

(B) pre-project work, mainly refers to project proposals, feasibility study report, the Advisory assessments of the quality of the preliminary work is the key to the project. The scale of the project, building the content, products, market analysis, technical analysis, risk analysis, financial, economic and social benefits, such as whether the depth and comprehensive, the data are in line with the reality of the project directly determine the future and destiny of .

1, the establishment of project quality management accountability.
Project manager is the project solely responsible for the quality of people, we must take personal charge of the quality of work. Large-scale projects can also be the quality manager for the project. Quality Manager is responsible for: Responsible for the preparation of project quality plan and organize the implementation; in accordance with the provisions of quality plan, supervise, inspect the implementation of project quality plan, particularly the major points of quality control verification, inspection and assessment activities; to find the management of major or technical aspects of the quality problems, organizational solutions to the project team is responsible for report; the quality of the preparation of project reports, reported a higher level of quality inspection departments and project managers. Project Quality Manager for quality supervision and inspection of the project can not replace the duties of other positions in the quality of the project the various managers, professional people in charge of ministries room, all professionals should be completed by each of the quality of its due responsibility in order to ensure project quality.

2, the development of project quality plan.
Understanding and knowledge of the characteristics of the project, clearly the quality of the outcome of the consultation objectives and quality standards; familiar with the consulting firms quality management system documents, in accordance with the characteristics of the organizational structure of the project, decide how the application of quality management system of enterprises. If it is independent of the project team, we deal with enterprise quality management system appropriate adjustments, the objectives and requirements to the quality of decomposition levels, according to the quality of the planning and implementation of steps to implement the layers have been implemented in the individual. Each level of responsibility, authority, resource allocation and quality assurance measures to be clear. Quality management plans to concise, easy to operate.

3, the results of the consultation exercise to establish the quality of evaluation system.
The establishment of evaluation system is to ensure and improve the quality of the consultation results an important means of validation, to learn more knowledge and wisdom of experts, you can identify problems and optimize the outcome of the consultation. After the completion of the project advisory, project manager of the project staff to organize the consultation results of the project self-assessment, and then to conduct an internal review. Internal review is completed, the results submitted to the Advisory owners, the experts may be invited to the outcome of consultation, assessment and refinement in order to improve returns on investment.

(C) generally in accordance with the preliminary engineering design, construction design in two phases. Technically complex industrial traffic may be the initial project design, technical design and construction design conducted in three stages. Two-stage design and three-stage design, engineering design industry in Chinas long-established basic working model, the results of the various stages of design including design notes, technical documents (drawings) and economic documents (over budget), and its aim is to design the depth of the different stages of control to ensure quality of design.

1, the design phase of the quality control methods. Project Manager blog
In order to effectively design quality control, it is necessary to track the quality of design, periodic review of design documents. During the design process and the completion of stage design, the design of the tender documents (including book design, geological survey reports, etc.), design contracts, consulting contracts, the government approval, the technical specifications, weather, regional and other natural conditions and related information based on the design documents to conduct in-depth and detailed review. During the review process, with particular attention to over-design and inadequate design of the two extreme cases. Over-design, resulting in poor economy; inadequate design or function to reduce the existence of hidden dangers.

2, the establishment of design quality manager responsibility system.
Design Manager in the Project Manager, under the leadership of the design process management, supervision and inspection of the implementation of the professional design company quality system documentation to ensure that products and services designed to meet the quality requirements stipulated in the contract; organizational design planning, and planning the results of the design plan for ; in accordance with project plan, project quality plan and design program, to control the design process; responsibility between the various professional; design professionals responsible for organizing a comprehensive technical program review and coordination, to ensure that the comprehensive technical program rationality; responsible for the organization or the design of supervision and inspection at various stages of design review and design verification; responsible for design change control, change control procedures designed to control the discretionary provisions; the design of critical control points on the check, in person or check the quality of design have a major impact on the activities of and design documents.

3, clearly the quality of the design departments and functions rooms.
Design projects are generally designed for the Department to implement a professional project team rooms and a combination of matrix management, design room and the Department of the professional design team has a quality management and control responsibility for the direction and supervision of the project team to participate in professional production activities in the implementation of the companys quality system documents, and to take measures on the professional design process of the implementation of effective control; for the project meets the eligibility requirements to send professional personnel responsible for the design and at all levels to ensure that the project has sufficient quality and quantity of human resources to ensure quality of design; is responsible for determining the design used in professional and technical programs, professional and technical programs for the design of advanced, reliable, responsible and reasonable; organized or participated in the design of the various stages of design input, output, product assessment or verification; responsible for the design and the professional designers at all levels should strictly implement the operating instructions.

(D) construction project is the formation of entities in the process of determining the quality of the final product of a critical stage, it is necessary to improve the quality of the project, it is necessary to pay close attention to the quality control of the construction phase. Construction projects involve a wide range, is an extremely complex process, affecting the quality of a number of factors, small differences in the use of materials, operation of small changes, small fluctuations in the environment, mechanical equipment of the normal wear and tear, will have a quality of variability, resulting in the quality of the accident . After the completion of engineering projects, such as quality problems found can not, as some industrial products, as the demolition of the dissolution, replacement parts, but also can not "shifting" or "refund" and therefore the process of project construction quality control, it becomes extremely important.

1, pre-construction phase of quality management. Project Management Training
Strict implementation of the bidding system and the construction supervision system, entrusted to the supervision units are eligible for the successful qualification of the construction unit to carry out verification, so that the quality level of construction projects with contract requirements are consistent, the quality of personnel on the construction of the structure and personnel monitoring, personnel involved in the technical level of construction and engineering technology requirements; on organizational design and quality construction plan review; of entry of raw materials, and equipment to monitor构配件; on the choice of construction machinery and equipment, construction machinery should take into account the technical performance, work efficiency, work quality and ease of maintenance, energy consumption, as well as security, flexibility in terms of the impact of construction quality assurance; organization design and construction units to participate in the design and design joint hearing交底meetings; to check whether or not construction units to build and sound quality management system.

2, the construction process of quality control. Circle project manager
Commissioned by the project construction supervision units of quality management system to monitor the status of implementation; the supervision and inspection of the construction process in the process of construction personnel, construction machinery equipment, construction method, process or operation is in good condition, does it comply with the requirements of quality assurance; do better control of design changes; do a good job in the construction process of check and acceptance work; do a good job in the quality of the project and the quality of the handling of the accident, when a failed product, the construction unit should be required to take measures to reform and follow-up inspection, until the qualified so far; when the quality of the construction site, unusual circumstances arise, but also failed to take effective measures, covert operations, without inspection and authorization closed without consent alter design drawings, the use of substandard materials or构配件should stop work orders issued to correct after the resumption of work orders issued; to the engineering materials, concrete block, reinforced by the power system, such as the implementation of sampling inspection; measurement operation involved in the technological level of the operator to review the operating results of its evaluation of the measurement and recognition.

(E) quality control of projects, and technical factors are closely related. Technical factors in addition to the technical quality of staff, but also include equipment, information, inspection and testing technology. To the quality of the project, should pay attention to new technologies and new techniques of advanced nature, applicability. In the whole process of project management, it is necessary to meet the technical requirements for the establishment of processes, quality standards, procedures, establish a strict examination system, and continuously improve and enhance the technical and technological level of the project at various stages of quality control and assurance.

"Management is also the productive forces", the management of the factors important in quality control. Construction projects should be established strict quality assurance system and quality of accountability, clear the respective responsibilities. All aspects of the construction process should be strictly controlled, the division of sub-projects are in place to manage the full implementation.

In the implementation of quality plans and key measures to strengthen quality inspection on the inspection results to quantitative analysis, reach a conclusion. Quality control quality control objective is to achieve the results expected, and should reach the extent and level of quality control in the management of the implementation of the objectives of quality control personnel can stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative, so that key issues are quickly resolved


建筑工程造价费用的构成 建设工程造价费用按其性质不同,一般由建筑工程费、设备安装工程费、设备购置费、工器具及生产家具购置费、其他工程和费用等八个部分构成。即: (1)建筑工程费; (2)设备购置费; (3)设备安装工程费; (4)工具、器具及生产家具购置费; (5)其他工程和费用; (6)预备费 ; (7)固定资产投资方向调节税; (8)建设期投资贷款利息 。 一、建筑工程费用 通常包括以下工程的费用: (1)为新建、扩建、改建和重建的建筑物中的一般土建、给水、排水、采暖、电气照明等工程; (2)铁路、公路、码头、各种设备基础、工业炉砌筑、支架、栈桥、矿井、工作平台、料仓等构筑物工程;电力和通讯线路的敷设、工业管道等工程; (3)各种水利工程。 其中每个工程费用又包括:直接费、间接费、利润、税金。 二、设备购置费用 1、含义:是指为购置设计文件规定的各种机械和电气设备的全部费用。 2、包括内容: (1)设备的出厂价格; (2)包装费; (3)运输费; (4)供销部门手续费; (5)采购保管费等。 三、设备安装工程费 1、含义 指为进行各种需要安装的机械设备、电气设备的装配、装置工程和属于被安装设备的设施、管线敷设、绝缘、油漆、保温等工程,以及测定设备安装工程质量的试验、单个设备进行的试车、修配和整理等的全部建设费用。 2、包括内容 直接费、间接费、利润、税金。 四、工具、器具及生产家具购置费 1、含义 指为购置生产、实验室、经营、管理或生活需用的,以及达到固定资产水平的各种工具、器具、仪器及用具和家具的费用。 2、包括的内容 (1)原价; (2)运输费; (3)包装费; (4)供销部门手续费; (5)采购保管费等。 ...... 建筑工程造价计价方式和快速估算研究
